Through the Archive, a collaboration with the Bartlett School of Architecture

March 12, 2021

Alongside the Architecture, Design, and Technology Units, the Archive and Library Units of the Norman Foster Foundation (NFF) are collaborating with the Bartlett School of Architecture in the seminar series titled ‘Through the Archive’.

Over the course of five sessions, the NFF team will assist first-year architecture students as they explore the NFF’s extensive collection as a significant cultural institution, providing the drive and inspiration for developing their own projects.

The aim of this collaboration is to teach participating students more about the NFF’s Archive, including how to manage the archive’s database. They will be encouraged to look at the various ways in which drawings and models have been produced, the type of media used and the ideas portrayed, whilst applying these discoveries to their own final project.

During the week of talks and lectures, participating students will have the opportunity to present their thoughts in conversation with the Archive team and their tutors.